Selected Regulatory Ideas in the International Relations Science
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Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Publication date: 2019-03-31
Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations 2019;55(1):87-107
The purpose of the text is to present how the substance of the philosophy of science is presented in the international relations science literature. The research problem, however, is: how what belongs to the meta-theory of international relations science is combined in the discourse of this discipline with the issues of both the traditional philosophy of science and the philosophy of social sciences. The first important issue raised in the text is the attempt to define how the philosophy of science is understood in the international relations literature. Then, the paper presents how the issues of philosophy of science overlap the meta-theory of international relations science. Another issues addressed, are a number of specific problems in the philosophy of science, such as the concept of truth, the demarcation criterion, the issue of rationality of science or scientific progress, and how these issues function in the perception of representatives of the discipline. Attention is drawn to a number of problems regarding the reception of the philosophy of science in the field of international relations science. Finally, the text proposes an original concept of the perception of the issue of philosophy of science within the international relations science, based on the ideals of science, the category derived from the thought of Stefan Amsterdamski. This, in turn, allows the substance that has been mentioned above to undergo a new interpretation, indicating the regulatory ideas according to which (normatively) the international relations science should be developed and at least outline (empirically) which regulatory ideas in fact govern this social practice.
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