International Relations Theories vis-à-vis Foreign Policy Studies
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Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Publication date: 2016-12-31
Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations 2016;52(4):33-50
The main purpose of this publication is to present the relations between foreign policy analysis (FPA) and selected theories of international relations: realism, liberalism and social constructivism. Foreign policy studies is a research area within the discipline of international relations that is presently not only gaining increasing popularity among researchers but also, having its own theoretical and methodological basis, shows considerable research potential. Furthermore, foreign policy analysis can offer a remedy to the problems of the academic discipline of international relations that result mainly from theoretical and methodological pluralism. One of the possible variants of the development of this discipline is a dialogue between representatives of IRT and researchers associated with FPA. The first part of this text concerns the division present in academic literature into (structural) theories of international relations and theories of foreign policy. The next three parts present the possibilities of combining selected elements of the three paradigms dominant in IR (realism, liberalism and social constructivism) with elements characteristic of FPA. The summary presents the possible consequences of work conducted by combining international relations theory and foreign policy theory.
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