Russia and the European Union: The Present Rift and Chances for Future Reconciliation
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St. Petersburg State University
Publication date: 2016-06-30
Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations 2016;52(2):195-213
The Ukrainian and Syrian crises have exerted a considerable negative impact on the relations between Russia and the EU, resulting as they did in upsetting strategic stability in Europe. A radical split has occurred in practically every sphere, affecting political, economic, military and humanitarian affairs. Its most painful manifestation is evident in the sphere of economy, where both parties have imposed sanctions and restrictive measures on each other, while it appears least harmful in the humanitarian sector. All in all, the former relations of partnership and cooperation have been superseded by dislike and even animosity. It will be very difficult to reach a compromise needed to overcome the split. The ruling circles of both Russia and the EU have limited room for manoeuvre for reasons that are not only international but domestic as well. They are very suspicious of each other. Nevertheless, the present confrontation is anomalous in the general pattern of centuries-old relations of Russia with European states and is likely to be overcome in the mid-term perspective. Yet a new foundation is required in order to restore their partnership and cooperation.
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